Frequently Asked Questions


Feel free to contact us directly with your questions. We look forward to connecting with you.

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How do I get Started?

Send us a message here or call us directly at (469) 662-0607. After learning more about your needs ad what brings you to counseling we will help you determine what services are the best fit, and then work with you to schedule your first session.

Do you offer online counseling or teletherapy options?

Yes! We offer in person or virtual sessions through a secure platform to make counseling easier to access and more convenient. We are happy to offer virtual appointments to clients located in Texas.

What should I expect from counseling?

First off we want you to know that you are in control of your counseling and it will be centered around you. Your counselor will help you determine what your priorities are and how to work towards those goals. Depending on your needs and the style of counseling that is most productive to you the duration can vary. Each client has a unique pace and process. Your counselor will always be interested in knowing how things are going for you along the way.This process is a collaboration. You bring yourself and your needs and an experienced counselor contributes their expertise and skills to  help you succeed. 

What types of counseling services do you offer?

We offer individual and group counseling for adults of all ages. While we support you in addressing a range of life challenges, we specialize in trauma informed care. We utilize research supported interventions including EMDR, Internal Family Systems and mindfulness. Our counseling is creatively tailored for your pace and needs.

How do I know if counseling is right for me?

If you find that you have gotten as far as you can with what you know and are capable of, then it’s a great idea to recruit help. There are several paths through which you can work through obstacles and counseling is one. If you would like a committed, knowledgeable and caring partner to help you find your way forward, we’d love to help!

How long are counseling sessions typically?

The standard “therapy hour” is 45 to 60 minutes. In addition, we also offer extended (75 minutes to 2 hour sessions) and intensive sessions (3 to 5 hours).

The length of session is based on the goals of the client and what is the most effective and an efficient way to reach them.

Can you tell me more about extended sessions and therapy intensives

Each client has the right to find the rhythm of therapy that works best for them. This can be determined by many factors including availability, work hours, responsibilities, finances, complexity of presenting issues and personal goals.

An extended session would be anything beyond the typical 45 to 50 minute session. A session of 75 minutes to 2 hours may help you progress further towards your goals in each session. Extended sessions can be attended on a regular basis or requested as wanted/needed. Approaches like EMDR or IFS, which create deep level healing are well suited for longer sessions. 

Therapy intensives can range in the number of hours and days they are conducted. While one person might work well with multiple 3 to 5 hour sessions spaced out, others may benefit from grouping their sessions into 4 days in a row. The structure of the intensive is collaboratively decided between counselor and client depending on goals and circumstances. Therapy intensives can be held in addition to ongoing work with your primary therapist to address an issue that’s been identified as needing focused work. Our team welcomes a chance to collaborate with your primary therapist to further support you. Benefits of intensives include:

  • Overall reduction in time spent in therapy
  • Cost effective in long run
  • Find relief faster
  • Reduced time off from work and other responsibilities


Contact us to assess if an intensive matches your needs. 

What happens during an intensive?

Before deciding on an intensive you’ll have a free consultation call to explore your goals and how they fit with the intensive model of therapy. Once an intensive is scheduled you’ll be provided with helpful information to help you prepare. In getting ready you’ll want to consider things like:

  • Limiting other stressors or responsibilities the day of
  • Having your support system ready in case you need them
  • Planning for soothing self-care afterwards

A week before your intensive you’ll have a preparation call to review your plan for support and coping. You’ll be invited to dress comfy, bring your favorite snacks and any comforting objects. You’ll take breaks as needed to move, get fresh air or run to the bathroom. After your intensive you’ll have a follow up call to reflect on the progress you made, explore ongoing needs and consider next steps in your healing.

How often should I expect to attend counseling sessions?

The length of your therapy depends on your goals and your unique pace for healing and growth. Some goals are achieved in brief counseling while other times a longer duration allows for deeper and more lasting change. Monitoring your progress and needs is an ongoing collaboration, and your counselor is happy to help you evaluate when you’ve accomplished what you came in for.

What is EMDR?

EMDR is a research supported approach that addresses the way memories of trauma and adverse experiences impact our current functioning. When you experience a traumatic event the memory is not processed the way other memories are and it becomes stuck, continuing to impact your emotions, perspective, physical reactions and behaviors. This may manifest as PTSD symptoms, anxiety, fears, shame, poor self-esteem, avoidance, unhealthy relationship dynamics, poor sleep and other disruptive patterns. EMDR helps your brain to reprocess the disturbing material until it is transformed and then stored in a more adaptive way. As a result you find yourself better able to live in the present with resilience and hope. For more information describing EMDR therapy go to

Is EMDR for me?

EMDR has been found to be beneficial for a number of presenting issues. These are some of the experiences that can be addressed through EMDR. 

  • PTSD symptoms
  • Spiritual Abuse
  • Natural Disasters
  • Victims of Violence
  • Grief and Loss
  • Relational Trauma
  • Childhood abuse or neglect
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Sexual Trauma
  • Racial Trauma
  • Chronic Pain
  • Domestic Violence

Reach out to explore if you might benefit from EMDR.

What is trauma?

Wondering if your experiences qualify as trauma? Our team understands trauma to be any experience which has overwhelmed someone physically, emotionally or psychologically. We respect that what is traumatic to one person may not be to someone else. While we may all be aware of big T traumas like war, sexual assault and natural disasters, trauma can occur in more subtle and private ways that aren’t easily identified. Traumatic experiences and their impact are unique across individuals, communities and cultures. Trauma can also occur in chronic or repeated incidents which have a cumulative effect on someone’s functioning. If you have been affected by an adverse or traumatic experience and find yourself significantly impacted by it you deserve to find relief.

What should I expect from Therapeutic Yoga?

Therapeutic yoga implies that the yoga sessions are offered with great consideration for helping the student to feel safe, respected and empowered to honor their needs. The actual session could fit a variety of styles including but not limited to gentle yoga or a more flowing vinyasa. The difference is in the teachers’ careful attention to  how they interact with the student, what words they choose and monitoring to help students feel safe throughout. These sessions help students establish an attuned and  respectful relationship between mind and body. There is also great focus on understanding the nervous system so that students can gain the tools to reduce distress and create calm. For more information please click on this link. 

Do you take insurance?

CfMG is considered an out of network provider and is private pay for all services. Billing statements can be provided for you to submit to your insurance provider to request reimbursement. Please be aware that insurance companies require that we provide a mental health diagnosis and potentially other information about your treatment in order to process your claim. We cannot guarantee if insurance companies will reimburse for the services you receive. 

Payment is due at time of service. We accept cash, check, credit and debit. For more information on rates please see information provided for each team member and service.

How do I cancel or reschedule?

Please call, text, email or use the secure messaging through Simple Practice to notify your provider of needing to cancel of change your appointment


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JEssica W Callahan your partner for mindful growth

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